On a Clear Day You Can See Forever (1970): 1:12:21 - 1:15:58 At the Stuyvesant Medical School on the island of Manhattan, New York City, Dr. Marc Chabot (Yves Montand) stirs up controversy in the public media over his reincarnation research resulting in a student demonstration for acedemic freedom and an emergency school board meeting demanding that he either recant or resign! Daisy Gamble (Barbra Streisand) and Dr. Mason Hume (Bob Newhart) are also in the clip. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0066181/ Movie,Clip,Vedic,Hindu (Religion),Vedas (Religious Scriptures),Reincarnation,On a Clear Day You Can See Forever (Film Title),1970 (Film Release Year),Yves Montand (Film Actor),Barbra Streisand (Film Actor),Bob Newhart (Film Actor),Comedy (Film Genre),Drama (Film Genre),Fantasy (Film Genre),yt:cc=on